This is a contingency info page for the NTSYSADMIN list and friends. It was hosted by Sunbelt/GFI up through April 2013, and then by MyITForum from 2013 April through Feb 2018, and has now been reborn as a Google Groups forum.

Google Groups

A Brief History of NTSYSADMIN

When What
Circa 1990s NTSYSADMIN list is created, hosted by Sunbelt Software.
2010 GFI acquires Sunbelt Software.
2013APR Word surfaces that GFI is no longer interested in hosting the list.
2013APR29 10:28 EDT Lacking "official" word from Stu, Rod Trent volunteered to host a new NT system admin list at MyITForum.com.
2013MAY03 10:37 EDT Stu Sjouwerman posted saying that he had run into trouble, and since Rod Trent's new list seemed to be working, that's as good a solution as any.
2018FEB MyITForum suffers some kind of major system failure. List goes down and does not return as a MyITForum-hosted email list.
2018MAY Google Groups forums created to replace the previous list servers. Links are posted on the MyITForum web site.